Tuda’s dream of having a wild bird sanctuary became a reality after her 60th Birthday when family and friends donated a group gift. Delighted by the generous amount, Crews exclaimed….”I didn’t know I had that many friends.”
The circle of friends grew as Crews was introduced to Tish McDaniel of TNC, and Nancy Riley, Nancy Baczek, and Maureen Murphy with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife New Mexico “Partners” Program. The $2,500 birthday gift became the cost share invested in an innovative “Partners” project. With collaboration from the NRCS and the National Wild Turkey Federation, 23 acres of short grass prairie north of the Bueyeros ranch house was designated as an official Wild Bird Sanctuary.
The TLC Wild Bird Sanctuary is fenced and has a well to water native trees along the perimeter area, a grape arbor, berry bushes, and a wildlife water guzzler. A mowed walking path is maintained with contemplative seating areas scattered about.
Birding at Bueyeros became a reality when Christopher Rustay of the Playa Lakes Joint Venture brought an Albuquerque Audubon birding group to the ranch on a glorious September day. Birders enjoyed spotting around the ranch house and walked out to the Bird Sanctuary, where 29 species were sited in less than 20 minutes. With the migration season underway, a delightful close encounter with a curious vesper thrilled the group. Author Judith Liddell, posted an impactful adventure story on “Birding at Bueyeros” on the Texas A&M website.
Birders, nature tourists, wildlife photographers, and hikers are invited to visit Ute Creek Cattle Company. A daily rate of $25 per person is charged, and arrangements can be made in advance for lunch and ranch tours. High-end accommodations at The Rectory are available in the tiny Village of Mosquero just 30 miles east of Bueyeros.